Monday, February 15, 2010

Thoughts on T-Mac to the Knicks

You can check out the deal being reported by Adrian Wojnarowski here:

The parameters: Jeffries, Harrington or Hughes, Jordan Hill and a 2012 First-round draft pick for McGrady, Joey Dorsey and Brian Cook, and a swap of Houston and NY's first round pick next year. It must be funny when Morey proposes that, betting that the Rockets will do better than the Knicks, right to Walsh's face (I actually assume that this is conditional, but still).

Taking a quick glance, it looks Isiah-esque. You know what I'm talking about, aging veteran with a bad contract to the Knicks and a bunch of stuff, including youth, going the other way. But this is a bit different. First, it will enable the Knicks to increase the amount of money they have to spend this offseason by $6.9 million. This means at the start of the 2010 free agent period they will have about $31 million in cap room. This figure tough to calculate and depends on the salary cap number, but I'm close.

You've got to be thinking Lebron isn't coming. It certainly seems like he's planning on staying in CLE, especially considering they're in serious Amare Stoudamire talks, with rumors that they want to extend Black Jesus' contract. Maybe the Knicks get Joe Johnson, maybe they get Chris Bosh, both are D'Antoni fans. Maybe they are now able to keep David Lee (which they should if they can pay him somewhere around $6 million a year for 3). I hope they're going to make Rudy Gay an offer (check his stats and play this year, he's legit). So we'll see. Hopefully they can pay him $7 or 8 a year for 4. With a max guy, that would eat up most of the $31 million right there. Then you give what's left to Charles Oakley (you're unsure if I'm kidding, so am I).

The trade frees up some cap room, acknowledges that Jordan Hill was a miss, lets the Knicks get a good look at McGrady, who might be an interesting signing in the off-season, and will give us Knick fans a reason to watch the rest of the season. It's been especially tough lately. Someone on the street told me the Knicks traded Duhon for Luke Ridnour and I yelled "that's great." That made me look like an idiot.

So I'm for it. I'd like to see Hughes in this deal, and then Harrington go to Chicago for Tyrus Thomas, who despite his issues is an asset. He also might be the second coming of Stromile Swift, but he also might not be. Think of the Knicks rebuilding efforts in terms of the Celtics (wait, please, let me finish, it's not as insane as you think). The Celtics had Paul Pierce and they loaded up on assets, letting them act when Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett became available. Remember, Ainge was a laughingstock until then, and now he's a respected GM (note: not person). This off-season is the time for the Knicks to go get their Paul Pierce and work on adding some pieces while staying flexible enough to be ready to act when opportunities present themselves. Dont' forget that Eddy Curry's expiring contract will become extremely valuable next season (finally). Just spend the money wisely Donnie, don't overpay, sit on what's left, and then, next season, when Chris Paul is deciding whether to exercise his player option for a fourth year with the losing Hornets, fed up and sick of wasting the prime of his career in financially insolvent NOLA, pounce. That's our KG moment, when everything changes and the Knicks truly become relevant again.

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